Free Internet Defender removal instructions

Rogue Antispyware:

Internet Defender is a rogue antispyware program that infiltrates into computer using a Trojan virus. The program is able to do that completely secretly and you will only be able to see the program when it’s inside the system. Then it starts its malicious activity.

Internet Defender causes tons of pop up ads to your system that warn about security problems. These notifications are completely fake and they only want to mislead you into thinking you got your computer infected. Internet Defender also displays some security notifications that warn about your private data being at risk and recommends purchasing a full version of Internet Defender in order to get protected.

When the Trojan installs this badware into the system it also creates some files there. These files are later “detected” as infections by a fake scanner of Internet Defender.  There is no need to say that for their removal, the program insists purchasing a full version of Internet Defender.

As you can see, this scam application is only looking for your money but in fact it cannot provide any services at all. You must uninstall Internet Defender from your computer as soon as possible if you have noticed its activity there. If you have already made a payment for it, please contact your bank and dispute the charges.

NOTE! manual removal of Internet Defender might be dangerous if not performed carefully. We recommend using an automatic remover -Spyware doctor which decreases risk of harming your PC.

Free manual removal instructions

NOTE! You need to have a lot of computer kmowledge to remove spyware properly from your personal computer. Main things you have to know is:
1. How to STOP running proccesses
2. How to unregister DLLs
3. How to remove files and Registry entries

Stop Internet Defender processes:

Unregister Internet Defender Dlls:

Remove Internet Defender files:

Remove Internet Defender registry entries:

NOTE! manual removal of Internet Defender might be dangerous if not performed carefully. We recommend using an automatic remover -Spyware doctor which decreases risk of harming your PC.

Additional Internet Defender screenshots:


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