Free Windows 7 Repair removal instructions

Rogue Antispyware:

Windows 7 Repair is another bogus optimization program that is not capable to perform any of the functions of system optimization tool and only simulates them. The program uses tons of security notifications and pop up ads that falsely inform that your system is at risk.

The goal of Windows 7 Repair is to make computer user purchase a so called full version of its program and gain your money. However, the application is not able to perform not a single function of a real system defragger.

Windows 7 Repair runs its fake scanner and reports to detect a bunch of different infections. Then it recommends getting a so called full version of Windows 7 Repair with a promise that it will help to remove all infections and protect your system from this kind of infections in future. Actually Windows 7 Repair only wants to make you pay.

You are strongly recommended to remove Windows 7 Repair form your computer as soon as possible as it’s nothing good to your system. Below the article you will find removal guide of Windows 7 Repair for quick and easy elimination of this badware.

NOTE! manual removal of Windows 7 Repair might be dangerous if not performed carefully. We recommend using an automatic remover -Spyware doctor which decreases risk of harming your PC.

Free manual removal instructions

NOTE! You need to have a lot of computer kmowledge to remove spyware properly from your personal computer. Main things you have to know is:
1. How to STOP running proccesses
2. How to unregister DLLs
3. How to remove files and Registry entries

Stop Windows 7 Repair processes:

Unregister Windows 7 Repair Dlls:

Remove Windows 7 Repair files:

Remove Windows 7 Repair registry entries:

NOTE! manual removal of Windows 7 Repair might be dangerous if not performed carefully. We recommend using an automatic remover -Spyware doctor which decreases risk of harming your PC.

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